Funding Goal 1 Met!

We've reached our first funding goal for MANCER! Our first milestone to reach is having at least 8 Regalia completed, along with their abilities & features!

Work on MANCER will only resume after the year's end, as I will be running a booth at a local convention later this month, as well as working on visual novels and other projects on my docket! 

Thank you all for supporting the game's development! May your blood run red, Mancers.


MANCER Beta Character Sheet - Fillable.pdf 1.5 MB
Nov 09, 2024
MANCER Beta Regalia Sheet - Fillable.pdf 1.3 MB
Nov 09, 2024

Get MANCER Core Rulebook - Beta Playtest | Year Zero + Lancer

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Looking forward to the future Regalia. Do you plan on releasing updates in smaller "Here's two more Regalia" chunks or do you plan on releasing a new version when you have all the wanted Regalia?

Probably in smaller chunks yeah, so people can start playing them ASAP whenever available!